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Creating a Telegram bot with Python

You can create a Telegram bot using the TELEBOT and AIOGRAM libraries in Python.

The main thought:

In computer science classes within the walls of the school, students are limited to the basic level. Students will have to learn Python for the UNT. Although it is a basic level, writing code within the walls of the school is very noticeable in contrast to writing real code. He studied at the school. But for students who are interested in Computer Science, this problem is a problem.


For the same, I recommend creating a Telegram bot. - API TOKEN free 🆓

- Easy for starters 📎

- You can practice endlessly 🔓

"An additional source of income болады"

In the modern market, you can make a bot and sell it for between 25-70 thousand. We can spend a lot of time with businessmen and sellers of private courses. For example, 1️ арналған for those who sell a course preparing for the UNT, 2️ арналған for closed channel drivers

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