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Swift 6.0 will be released in 2024

The insider was shared by Holly Borla, an engineer manager in Apple's Swift programming language, in recent discussions on the Swift forum (Apple's official forum dedicated to the programming language) 

One of the forum participants expressed interest in the upcoming Swift 6 release in order to plan a possible transition. His suggestion of a possible release date, focused on the end of 2024 or even the beginning of 2025, resonated in the discussion.

Holly Borla, engineer manager of the Swift development team and an active participant in the SwiftLang project at Apple, joined the discussion, confirming that the main stages of the Swift 6 development have already been completed. The team is currently working on only a few minor proposals regarding aspects of concurrency in Swift 6. She also stressed that the new version of the programming language is fully ready.

The official release of Swift 6 is scheduled for 2024, replacing Swift 5.11. The upcoming update also includes renaming all links in the codebase from version 5.11 to 6.0 in the near future.

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