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Tabys and BYYD: Engaging users in the world of investment through mobile advertising

In a world where mobile technologies are firmly embedded in everyday life, social projects such as Tabys are actively using innovative approaches to attract the attention of the audience.

In this context, advertising campaigns in mobile applications have become a key tool for successfully promoting the idea of financial literacy.

Let's take a closer look at how this social project was able to effectively reach its target audience using the unique advertising opportunities in the mobile space.


  • Attracting users to the landing page
  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Increasing awareness of Tabys
  • Expanding product knowledge
  • Stimulating the target audience to use the app


  • Rich Media
  • Targeting by socio-demographic characteristics
  • Targeting by interests
  • Setting up relevant interests and application categories
  • Optimization: SSP, categories, applications
  • Yandex.Metrica

Geo: Kazakhstan


During the advertising campaign, the effectiveness was maximized through the use of a variety of tools, including targeting by socio-demographic parameters.

We have focused on the interests of the audience in the areas of financial planning, education and personal finance. This approach made it possible to accurately identify the relevant audience, achieve impressive results and ensure effective interaction with the target group.

The advertising campaign was successfully optimized using BYYD platform statistics in combination with Yandex.Metrica. During the campaign, applications were selected whose traffic showed the best performance after a click: low bounce rate, long time on the site, high viewing depth and achievement of goals.

Thanks to daily manual optimization, it was possible to achieve a CTR exceeding the planned values. This result confirms the effectiveness of the chosen approach and allows us to assert that the advertising campaign demonstrates outstanding results, ensuring successful interaction with the target audience.

Truly impressive results that demonstrate outstanding performance and deep audience engagement. The ad impressions significantly exceeded the planned targets, which is an excellent indicator of the success of the campaign.

Over the entire period, we managed to reach an impressive number – 356,450 unique users, and the CTR was an impressive 2.10%. These figures confirm not only the high attractiveness of the advertising content, but also its relevance to the target audience.

Positive results are also supported by behavioral indicators. A low bounce rate (28%) and a high number of sessions of more than 15 thousand indicate that users are interested and actively interact with the presented content.

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