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Tech Orda 2023: Data Science Academy. Guest lectures from IT industry professionals

During their studies, our students had a unique opportunity to meet with successful IT industry professionals, thanks to guest lectures organized by the Data Science Academy. Several interesting speakers shared their experiences, inspired and gave students the keys to a successful career in the world of information technology.

The first speaker, Auezkhan Daniyar, middle software engineer at Dereknet, impressed the audience with his knowledge and experience in the industry. The lecture attracted the attention of 30 students who highly appreciated the benefits of the webinar.

Daniyar shared his success story and provided valuable advice for aspiring IT professionals. He highlighted the issue of choosing the direction of development, talked about platforms for obtaining certificates and gave many useful recommendations for a successful start in a career in IT.

The second lecture was conducted by Timur Bolotov, an experienced software developer at Kaspi. 

He stressed the importance of participating in hackathons and events to become a successful professional. He spoke about his experience in the industry and gave valuable advice on preparing for interviews and moving up the career ladder.

The next lecturer was Rashid Dyusembayev, Professor of AlmaU practice, former editor-in-chief of Forbes Kazakhstan.

He talked about what business tasks and from which companies you can take right now, how involvement in product tasks helps you find a job in IT or launch your tech startup.

Guest lectures at our IT school are aimed at enriching the educational process of students and inspiring them to achieve outstanding results. These events have become a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience between successful professionals and future specialists in the world of information technology.

The words of gratitude of our students emphasized the success and importance of the lectures. We are confident that these events have become an important new stage in the professional growth of our students, and we look forward to the next exciting events within our IT school.

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