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Telegram Mini Apps - Innovations in the Chat Experience

Telegram Mini Apps are applications that can be integrated into Telegram to provide additional services and functionality to messenger users. They are a kind of built-in applications that work inside Telegram, without requiring the installation of separate applications on the device.

Telegram Mini Apps are often used to create:

  1. Chatbots: Bots that provide various services, from news to weather or currency conversion.
  2. Games: Games that can be launched and played right inside Telegram.
  3. Services for working with documents: Applications that provide tools for processing documents, creating surveys, and so on.
  4. Financial Services: Applications for transferring money, obtaining financial information and other financial services.

Flying in the vastness of the Internet, I came across a useful article on Habra from WolodyaCh with instructions on creating Telegram Mini Apps with calling the payment window without creating an additional button for this.

If someone is interested, CLICK here to go to the article (There are very detailed instructions). 

I would like to add that on the other hand, the implementation of a bot using Yandex Cloud Function may not be the simplest, but it is very effective and convenient.

Yandex Cloud Function is a server function that runs in the Yandex.Cloud cloud infrastructure. Such functions allow you to execute code without having to manage servers. They are activated by events such as HTTP requests or cloud service events.

Advantages of using Yandex Cloud Function to implement a bot in Telegram:

  1. Efficiency: Functions in the cloud are usually scaled automatically depending on the volume of requests, which ensures efficient use of resources.
  2. Ease of management: There is no need to manage the server infrastructure, which simplifies development and support.
  3. Quick Start: You can quickly create and deploy a feature in the cloud without slowing down due to server configuration.
  4. Integration with other services: Yandex Cloud provides a set of tools for integration with other cloud services.
  5. Cost: Payment is made for the actual use of resources, which may be more economical compared to the permanent rental of servers.

The effective use of Yandex Cloud Function in combination with Telegram Mini Apps can provide a fast and scalable solution for creating chatbots.

I hope the article was useful to you, and it accelerated your work processes!

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