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Artificial intelligence makes life easier for digital specialists. Here are the tasks he can help product managers with:

1. Generate product ideas and concepts.

2. Explore the market and analyze competitors.

3. Make product descriptions and user manuals.

4. Create roadmaps and timelines.

5. Develop strategies for entering new markets.

6. Plan launch strategies and write press releases.

7. Create personas and portraits of the target audience.

8. Evaluate user needs and feedback.

9. Identify and track KPIs.

10. Develop pricing strategies.

11. Compose emails and product presentations.

12. Describe the characteristics and functionality of the product.

13. Develop an A/B testing plan and analyze the results.

14. Create text materials for the sales and marketing department.

15. Analyze and track product metrics.

16. Collect and prioritize requests for new features.

17. Prepare interview questions and analyze respondents' answers.

18. Write product documentation and guides.

19. Track and analyze industry trends.

20. To help build interaction with colleagues from other teams and stakeholders.

Taken from epic growth.

Well, I'll forget that you can do tasks via chatGPT and I'll do it with my hands. Or maybe I won't forget, at least you need to get into the habit of using it.

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