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Limited Liability Partnership "Int-s"

Within the framework of the project, Int-s LLP will carry out

development of websites and mobile applications -- portals

online sales integrated with the 1C accounting system for

domestic distributors of various products.

The development of such solutions carries a number of advantages:

–– round-the-clock availability: online portals allow

customers can place orders at any time.

–– cost reduction: online sales portals carry

less costs than physical stores.

–– convenience of searching for the necessary goods and comparing prices by


–– process automation: integration allows

automate the transfer of information about orders, customers,

products and other messages between the site and the accounting system.

–– unified data warehouse: information about goods, prices,

stock balances, orders and customers are in a single

1C accounting system.

–– customer base management: integration allows

collect information about customers, their orders and history


–– accounting of financial transactions: financial transactions,

related to orders are automatically added to the account

a system that simplifies financial control and formation


–– updating prices and balances: integration allows

automatically change the data on prices and balances on the site,

what to display up-to-date information about the availability of goods and

their cost and many others.

The novelty of the proposed

in the draft decisions

The portals being developed will provide the opportunity to:

1. owners:

–– to sell their products;

–– integrate the entire database of orders in the 1C accounting system with

the ability to view information on counterparties,

quantity and composition of products sold, cost

products and other information.

2. users:

–– purchase goods in wholesale and retail with the possibility of

delivery of goods to the warehouse;

–– track the history of your orders and their status;

–– control the process of delivery of goods, including

location of the car with the product.

Promotion strategy

product to market

The promotion of the company's services will be implemented on

selected market niches by positioning the

companies as a team of professional and experienced

developers and a reliable partner for customers with

using the following marketing tools:

placement of partner material in the media; contextual and

targeted advertising; E-mail marketing, as well as

through direct sales

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