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Price in B2B IT: How to sell correctly, and not just compete on cost

In the world of B2B IT products, price often becomes a stumbling block. Companies want to save money, but at the same time get a high-quality and reliable solution. However, a blind race for low cost does not always lead to benefits. How to position the price correctly in order to sell value, and not just reduce tariffs? Let's get this straight.

Unlike B2C, where price can be a deciding factor, in B2B everything is more complicated. The main issue is the payback of the solution. Customers want to understand:

  • How much will they save or earn from your product?
  • How quickly will the implementation pay off?
  • What are the alternatives on the market and how are you better?

The clearer the answers to these questions, the easier it is to sell at a fair price.

Companies that focus only on low prices often face problems.:

  1. Low marginality — scaling difficulties.
  2. Lack of customer loyalty is a cheap solution that is easy to replace.
  3. Distrust — the low price raises doubts about the quality.

To avoid this, it is important not just to sell, but to explain the value.

  1. Sell the result, not the characteristics. Show how your product solves the real problems of the client, and not just voice the functionality.
  2. Use cases and evidence. Customers want to see specific figures: how much money, time, and resources they will save.
  3. Offer flexibility. Different tariffs, custom offers — all this makes the purchase more logical and comfortable for business.

The price is not just a number, but a positioning tool. In B2B, those who know how to explain the value of a product, rather than just reduce the cost, win. If customers understand that your product will pay off and make a profit, they are willing to pay more.

Are you ready to reconsider your pricing strategy? Share your experience in the comments!

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