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ItechProjects successes in the Tech Orda Program: The Path to Innovation in Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics

Hello, Astana Hub community!

We, the ItechProjects team, are pleased to share our successes within the framework of the prestigious Tech Orda Program. We have recently become proud grant holders in two key areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Analytics. This is a huge step forward for our team and a significant contribution to the development of our competence in these areas.

Since the start of the program, we have completed half of the course, and we are already seeing significant progress. The courses on Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics have enriched us not only with theoretical knowledge, but also with practical skills that have already begun to be applied in our projects. Studying at Tech Orda has provided us with the opportunity to learn advanced technologies and techniques that are changing the game in the industry.

Receiving funding from the Tech Orda Program has opened up new opportunities for us. This is not only recognition of our potential, but also significant support in the implementation of our ambitious ideas. We actively integrate the knowledge gained from the courses into our current and future projects, striving to innovate and improve the quality of our products and services.

We would like to express our deep gratitude to the organizers of the Tech Orda Program and the entire Astana Hub community for this unique opportunity. We look forward to continuing our journey through the program and are ready to share our successes and achievements.

With respect, The ItechProjects team

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