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At the age of 42, from the oil industry to IT

My name is Yersayyn Sadykov, I am 42 years old. I recently decided to take a career turn. In the past, I worked in the oil industry, but over the years I have maintained an interest in the field of information technology.

As a result of my research, I discovered the educational institution "Digital School Insoft", offering a wide range of courses in the field of programming, ranging from web development to machine learning. Considering the potential and wide possibilities of the Java language, I decided to enroll in the appropriate course at this school.

Now I am successfully completing my studies, completing interesting and difficult tasks, communicating with mentors and classmates. I like the atmosphere at school, the support and motivation from teachers, as well as the opportunity to gain relevant knowledge and skills. I am sure that after completing the course I will be able to find a job in an IT company and realize my potential.

But that's not all! I also became one of the winners of the competition to receive a training grant from Insoft! This means that I will be able to continue my education in the IT field for free or at a discount. I am proud of my achievement and thank the school for this opportunity.

I am an example of the fact that it is never too late to learn and change your destiny. I prove that age is not an obstacle to learning programming, but rather an advantage, since I have a wealth of life and professional experience. I inspire everyone who wants to take a step towards their dreams. I wish you all success and happiness in your new field of activity!

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