Technological tasks

The Tech-tasks module is tasks related to the development, implementation and improvement of new technologies, products and processes. If you have development, implementation and other needs you can post information below.


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ЦНТИ Самгау

Making decisions before ...

до 16.07.24

Область задачи

Energy conversion and storage

Number of applications


The choice of a mechanized method of operation in wells (exploration) with stepped intermediate casing strings.

Production is difficult in old exploration wells that have a design with a narrowed diameter (complications for underground repairs, increased costs).


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 16.07.24

Область задачи

Energy conversion and storage

Number of applications


Drive fluids for well overhaul

After repairs, wells do not return to their previous operating mode and productivity.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 16.07.24

Область задачи

Raw material processing technologies

Number of applications


Intercolumn pressure

In one well at a certain depth there is inter-casing pressure (ICP), which can lead to collapse of the production string and the appearance of griffins.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 16.07.24

Область задачи

Information processing and transformation

Number of applications


Application of fiberglass pipes inside the CPP

Increased rates of wear, corrosion and deposits of the pipeline leading to a large number of leaks and accidents, large heat losses of the pipeline and high operating costs for insulation and heating, all of this leads to high operating costs, including frequent and expensive repairs leading, in addition to all, to equipment downtime. Protecting a pipeline by lining is a very expensive and short-lived process in the case of a high content of mechanical impurities and does not exclude the cost of heat loss. One of the ways to increase the efficiency of a pipeline is the use of composite pipelines, but at the moment there is no regulatory framework for the use of fiberglass pipes and fittings at CPP facilities.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 28.06.24

Область задачи

Labor protection, industrial safety, environmental protection and production operations

Number of applications


Introduction of new technologies and dosing technologies to combat corrosion

Corrosion of pipelines and process equipment, caused by the peculiar composition of oil and water in the field, as well as the peculiarity of technological regimes, leads to negative consequences such as pipeline breaks and leaks, as well as shutdowns of technological processes during repairs. In addition to pipeline corrosion, corrosion of process dynamic equipment and protective equipment also leads to negative consequences. To improve the efficiency of an oil field, it is necessary to improve corrosion prevention and corrosion control methods. Determination of the reasons for the formation of corrosion of surface equipment of the collection system on surface oil field equipment of the Central Processing Station and Central Processing Station.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 27.06.24

Область задачи

Labor protection, industrial safety, environmental protection and production operations

Number of applications


Image control

For a diagnostic center specializing in CBCT (3D diagnostics), it is necessary to introduce control over the number of images to eliminate the factor of theft of x-ray laboratory technicians.


ТОО "3D Dental"

Making decisions before ...

до 15.07.24

Область задачи

Intelligent control systems

Number of applications


Подбор оборудования и технологии для подготовки технологической жидкости для обессоливания нефти

применение пресной воды для производственных нужд и как следствие-вода, изменившая первоначальные свойства-сточная и необходим расчет нормативов ПДС.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 31.07.24

Область задачи

Labor protection, industrial safety, environmental protection and production operations

Number of applications


Анализ содержания сульфатвосстанавливающие бактерии (СВБ) в воде и сероводорода в попутно-добываемом газе

Заражение пласта сульфатовостанавливающими бактериями (СВБ) приводит к активному росту коррозионной активности процессов добычи, а также способствует повышению возникновения механических примесей что так же дает негативный эффект стимулируя образования нефтяных эмульсий. Таким образом возникновения в пласте СВБ негативной влияет и усиливает негативный эффект на добычу в целом стимулируя процессы коррозии и образования эмульсий. Борьба с СВБ необходима в виде как более качественной подготовки пластовой воды, так и применения бактерицидов для закачки в системы ППД. Эффективность закачки бактерицидов для борьбы с сульфатвосстанавливающие бактерии (СВБ) в воде и сероводорода в попутно-добываемом газе.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 30.06.24

Область задачи

Labor protection, industrial safety, environmental protection and production operations

Number of applications


Corrosion at the Gas Treatment Plant due to SGM (steam-gas mixture)

The formation of corrosion in the pipe supplying the gas mixture to the compressor, due to the hydrogen sulfide content of up to 3.2% and high temperatures of 200 C. The main causes of corrosion are wet gas, the presence of aggressive gases and temperature changes.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 16.07.24

Область задачи

Energy conversion and storage

Number of applications


Тип задачи

Preferred systems

Field of application

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