Technological tasks

The Tech-tasks module is tasks related to the development, implementation and improvement of new technologies, products and processes. If you have development, implementation and other needs you can post information below.


Cleaning wells from proppants after hydraulic fracturing (HF)

After the operation is completed, the proppant is squeezed back into the well.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 16.07.24

Область задачи

Field and well development management

Number of applications


Research into the causes and conditions of the occurrence of TRNE (hard-to-break oil emulsion) in the field and the search for technological solutions that prevent the occurrence of TRNE, as well as the development of solutions for its destruction and further disposal. Study of the conditions for the formation of difficult-to-break oil emulsions in the field and methods of combating its formation and developing recommendations for its destruction

In the process of transport production and oil preparation in the field, the process of formation of oil emulsions occurs caused by transient dynamic processes in pipelines and the transport system, chemical processes in all technological cycles of the oil field, including those caused by conflicts of residual doses of chemical reagents in various technological cycles, transient thermodynamic preparation processes oil, and changing parameters and composition of produced oil. The emulsion that appears at different cycles due to the peculiarity of the oil composition and the content of resins and asphaltenes in it, as well as the high salinity of formation water, in combination with mechanized production and other dynamic processes of the oil field, forms TRNE at the final cycle of oil preparation in reservoirs. TRNE negatively affects the efficiency of the oil production and treatment process, and also creates additional disposal costs and environmental payments. In the course of research work, it is necessary to determine the main factors influencing the occurrence of TRNE, select or develop technologies that prevent the formation of TRNE, and develop technologies for the destruction and further processing and disposal of TRNE with a reduction in the negative impact on the environment. Determining the reasons for the formation of TRNE and developing recommendations for its destruction and recycling technologies.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 16.07.24

Область задачи

Field and well development management

Number of applications


Reducing excess emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from heating furnaces when burning untreated gas in combustion furnaces and ways to solve this issue.

In the technological process of preparing and transporting oil in the fields, associated oil heaters are used, the main fuel of which is raw associated petroleum gas (not prepared), which leads to the following consequences: - high wear of process equipment and a sharp reduction in MCI due to floating APG parameters and the content of fatty fractions with high combustion temperatures -changes in the composition (fat content) of the gas and its physicochemical properties (moisture content of harmful impurities) lead to an unstable gas combustion system and changes in the parameters of the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere - the use of unprepared APG with floating parameters in composition and chemical properties leads to high energy costs for heating oil, etc. When carrying out inspections by regulatory authorities in the field of ecology, excess emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from oil heating furnaces are revealed, an increase in emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases (CO2). To prevent possible violations, it is necessary to develop and implement technical measures to reduce emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases (emission reduction projects).


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 28.06.24

Область задачи

Labor protection, industrial safety, environmental protection and production operations

Number of applications


Study of the conditions of the formation of salt deposition on the inner walls of the industrial pipeline of the field and methods of combating its formation

Features of the composition of extracted oil and technological processes of extraction transport and preparation of oil lead to the formation of deposits on the walls of production and industrial pipelines, internal surfaces of heat pipes and in the form of deposits on the walls of vessels and bottom deposits. Occurring deposits reduce the conditional passage of the pipeline, thereby reducing the productivity of the equipment and changing the parameters of the technological process, reducing the productivity and the inter-repair period of the dynamic equipment and accompanying oil heaters, reducing the inter-repair period of the capacitive equipment and increasing the negative impact on the environment. The totality of negative effects from salt deposition have a strong negative impact on the economic indicators of the deposit. In the course of this work, it is necessary to determine the causes of sedimentation and develop methods that prevent (reduce) the formation of sediments and allow to fight with sediments and produce cleaning equipment with subsequent waste disposal. Determination of the causes of the formation of salt deposits, paraffins, bituminous and hydrate deposits on the inner walls of industrial pipelines, coil furnaces for oil field heating, and the development of recommendations for their destruction.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 16.07.24

Область задачи

Labor protection, industrial safety, environmental protection and production operations

Number of applications


Selection of equipment and technology using chemicals for wastewater treatment according to ST RK 1627-2007

Water treatment technology requires technological changes associated with oil production and changes in the composition of the water contained in it, as well as the cumulative effect from the use of water with a high salt content in the RPM system and an increase in the concentration of mineral components. High mineralization of water, the content of mechanical impurities and residual compositions of hydrocarbon-containing elements in water leads to a decrease in production, a reduction in the service life (reduced turnaround time) of production equipment, worsens the injectivity of injection wells, thereby reducing the efficiency of pressure maintenance systems, and increases the negative impact of other factors (for example, scale deposits) , and also increases the negative impact on the environment. Inconsistency of the quality of water injected into the reservoir with the requirements of ST RK 1627-2007


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 16.07.24

Область задачи

Labor protection, industrial safety, environmental protection and production operations

Number of applications


System for monitoring the location of employees in the workplace

Searching for technical solutions that will allow monitoring the presence of employees at the workplace, preventing unauthorized leaving of the workplace


АО "Пассажирские перевозки"

Making decisions before ...

до 10.07.24

Область задачи

Industrial Safety

Number of applications


Интеграция протоколов QuickFix и WebSocket

It is necessary to make an advisor capable of copying transactions from Binance/ByBit to MT5 using the API, or offer a solution to this problem in another accessible way. We need to copy trades from the exchange to PAMM in MT5 (USDT futures contracts).


Trade Tech

Making decisions before ...

до 08.07.24

Область задачи


Number of applications


Оцифровка зеленых насаждений в Городе Шымкент

Оцифровка зеленых насаждений в Городе Шымкент Использование дронов и спутниковых данных: Дроны оснащены камерами и датчиками для мониторинга состояния деревьев и зеленых зон. Снимки позволяют отслеживать изменения в зелёных насаждениях и своевременно реагировать на проблемы, такие как заболевания деревьев или повреждения. Системы управления зелеными насаждениями: Интеграция географических информационных систем (ГИС) для картирования и анализа данных о зелёных насаждениях. Программное обеспечение, которое помогает муниципалитетам управлять зелеными зонами, планировать посадку новых деревьев и оценивать состояние существующих насаждений. Интернет вещей (IoT): Датчики, установленные на деревьях и в парках, могут измерять влажность почвы, уровень воды и другие экологические параметры. Эти данные передаются в реальном времени в централизованную систему, позволяя эффективно управлять ресурсами и поддерживать оптимальные условия для растений. Мобильные приложения для жителей: Приложения, которые позволяют жителям сообщать о проблемах с зелеными насаждениями, таких как упавшие деревья или больные растения. Жители могут также участвовать в инициативах по посадке деревьев и ухаживать за зелеными зонами в своих районах.


Apachee Ser

Making decisions before ...

до 26.06.24

Область задачи

Neurotechnology and artificial Intelligence

Number of applications


Additional drying of fuel gas

At the gas preparation site of the field, after amine gas purification, the gas is humidified, which is used for fuel needs of compressor engines. Due to the high moisture content in the mixture, engine parts (valves, cylinders) fail. In this regard, additional drying of the gas is required.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 25.06.24

Область задачи

Energy conversion and storage

Number of applications


Collector throughput through siphon

When pumping oil from the northern part of the field, the throughput of reservoirs with diameters of 325 and 219 mm does not allow pumping the entire volume of production due to possible deposits in the area of ​​the siphon passing under the Zhem River. The pressure in the reservoirs in the northern part of the siphon increases to 20-25 atm in winter.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 25.06.24

Область задачи

Energy conversion and storage

Number of applications


Тип задачи

Preferred systems

Field of application

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