14 startups presented their projects to foreign investors at the Astana Hub
On April 19, Invest Day, which has already become traditional for the IT community, was held at the Astana Hub. This is a unique platform for meeting startups and investors online. The best startups in Kazakhstan and abroad got the opportunity to present their product to potential investors and business angels, and investors got the opportunity to profitably finance promising projects.

This time, 14 startups from Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia and the United Arab Emirates presented their technological solutions. The projects were evaluated by prominent international investors and representatives of investment funds: Shanyraq VC, Aster VC, The Untitled Ventures, Most Ventures, Umay Angels Club, iClub Almaty, Venture Rocket Eurasia, Vibranium VC.
One of the participants is the Kazakh company Sagi. It is a code-free smart loyalty platform that allows entrepreneurs to segment/find customers, track purchases, send automated WhatsApp/Push notifications, conduct surveys and reward customers with one click. The platform works with an "all reward cards in one" social mobile application, where customers can share their shopping locations and number of visits with friends from their contact list.
“Invest Day is a great opportunity to tell and announce your startup and interest investors,” says Asemgul Tuyakpayeva, CMO Sagi.
The Russian low-code cloud service Code Cruiser is a project that allows you to independently create systems of any complexity ten times faster than when programming manually. At the same time, the user will be able to access the source code at any time and develop the product without being tied to the service. The startup aroused great interest from potential investors.
Also participating in the online pitching were companies such as Cerebra - an automated stroke diagnosis service, Oku Toku - a p2p community for teachers and students, Smartglass Kazakhstan, 15minute - a career counseling application, Beyne.ai, a face recognition and fake search system, Aibomed digital pharmacy , Lumi, 7Tech, IPlay ESports WEB platform for gamers and Ligeia health monitoring platform.
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