Four IT projects received a proposal for cooperation from a car company

The International Technopark of IT startups Astana Hub hosted a Pitch day for IT startups, organized by the Kazakhstani automobile company Allur. The goal was to find IT solutions that would increase the productivity and efficiency of technological processes.

The event featured 12 projects - Speech Lab; CloudTek; AR & VR In Corporate Training by QZhub; Roteck HR platform; Game of Drones; NAVIC: Telematics for Business, Finance & Insurance; Kazmediapro; PLS Robotics; Living Yurt; GreenEcoFy; Balkhash Systems; KazCadGPS.

Projects specialized in robotics, ecology, employee training, implementation of virtual reality for employee training, and speech technology.

The representatives of Allur evaluated the potential of IT startups - Altair Birlik, Director of the Development and Corporate Innovations Department; Arman Darkenbaev, team leader of the Project Office; Oksana Supogalieva, manager of the Strategic Marketing Department; Dinara Asanova, project coordinator of Development and Corporate Innovations Department.

At the end of Pitch day, Allur, proposals of further cooperation and the opportunity to launch a pilot project for an automotive company received four projects: Speech Lab - speech technology; CloudTek - cloud service - provider of Kazakhstan; AR & VR In Corporate Training by QZhub - virtual reality for training company employees; GreenEcoFy - innovative platform based on blockchain to reduce carbon emissions into the environment.

In addition, the Company became interested in the Game of Drones, Living Yurt, and Balkhash Systems projects. Additional discussions will be held with them, where possibilities for further cooperation will be considered.

As a reminder, the car company Allur was accepting applications from IT startups from November to December 2022, and this Pitch Day was attended by the projects that passed the selection process.

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