On February 5, Almaty will host the International Forum "Digital Almaty 2021-Digital Reset: the leap to the next normal".

The main objectives of the Forum are to form the regional and global agenda in digitalization, new strategies for digital transformation and trends in the field of new technologies, as well as to discuss further steps and prospects for international cooperation. This year's agenda is forming taking into account the global changes coming out from COVID-19 pandemic.
The main topics of the Forum are as follows: support of domestic IT solutions and promoting them to enter new markets, promotion of business relations with regional partners and popularization of digitalization projects. During the forum, an online exhibition of digital projects will be translated.
The most important event of the forum will be a plenary session with the participation of the Prime Ministers of the EAEU and leading international experts.
In 2021, the forum will be held in a hybrid form, so most of the events within the forum will be held online.
Digital Almaty is one of the key platforms for the formation and discussion of the global and regional digital agenda, challenges, solutions and policies in the field of digitalization around the world.
The main partner of the forum is «Kazakhtelecom» JSC. Sponsors BI group, ERG, Lenovo, Cisco.
Link for participation in Forum:
Accreditation for Mass media:
The information about officials will be accepted up to 15-00 p.m. February 01, 2021.
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