Entrepreneurship support at the University named after Sh. Ualikhanov: from idea to commercialization
NAO "Kokshetau University named after Shokan Ualikhanov" actively participates in the implementation of the state policy of entrepreneurship development.

The Government of Kazakhstan actively supports the development of entrepreneurship, especially among young people: targeted funds are allocated to teach young people the basics of entrepreneurship; the project of youth entrepreneurship "Zhas Kasipker" has been launched, where every graduate within 3 years is given the opportunity to receive an ч state grant for business development; from January 1, 2020, small business is exempt from tax for a profit for a period of three years and other measures.
NAO "Kokshetau University named after Shokan Ualikhanov" actively participates in the implementation of the state policy of entrepreneurship development and the formation of entrepreneurial skills of young people and university staff, including through the activities of the StartUp Academy. The ultimate goal of the Academy is to select the best business ideas for the university in order to commercialize them and create a small enterprise, which will be a logical continuation of the process of forming and maintaining StartUp projects. At the same time, the authors of business ideas at the project launch stage receive financial support from the university for the purchase of equipment, tools, raw materials, implement their ambitious plans and, of course, improve their financial situation in the form of a percentage of profits. In the current StartUp season, the Academy has intensified its activities with the support of entrepreneurs of the city of Kokshetau, including Rustam Dzhangunakov, Marat Altynbekov, Anton Strak, Olzhas Kadraliev and many others. The work of the Academy became possible with the personal participation of: business coach Saken Kazenov, university teachers who completed advanced training in the course "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship" and experts in the development of business plans of the Atameken PP of the Akmola region. The University's technology commercialization office has become an important resource of the Academy. The selection of the author's business plans, which were "maturing" at the sites of the University Academy, was carried out through the StartUp Project competition. The competition is a new long–term project of the University with an annual increase in financial support for the most daring entrepreneurial ideas. The projects of the 2020 competition passed a four-fold selection level within 4 months. As a result, 8 out of 14 projects reached the final stage, and 5 became winners, which were supported by the rector of the University Marat Syrlybayev, increasing grant funding to 13.3 million tenge. The university's Expert Council, which selected projects for subsequent commercialization, notes the high level of interest of the contestants in the implementation of their business idea. Every project is worth attention and support. Among the grant recipients: Marat Bogapov with the project "KazBiohumus", Amirzhanova Anara with the project "Innovative Printing Center "Online print", Bibigul Zahai - "Sewing Workshop", Dinara Kakabayeva with the social project "Studio of art therapy and pottery", Marzhan Myrzakhanova - "My mediator" (mediation services in online mode). Now they are entrusted with a great responsibility for the organization of production, recruitment, development of regulatory documents, regulations, price lists and much more that meets on the way of everyone who is a novice entrepreneur. The university (lawyers, economists, technical services) will support the commercial structure throughout its development. The entrepreneurs of the city of Kokshetau expressed their opinion about the university's support for the authors of the projects: "You are in chocolate conditions, gentlemen!". Undoubtedly, the joint interest of the two sides will ensure the achievement of the final goals! By the way, it is important in the implementation of StartUp projects that a start-up business is built on a modern model of management, marketing and information support. Two projects are supported by the Astana Hub International Technopark through inclusion in the mentoring program! According to Lyubov Drobysheva, head of the technology commercialization office of the Ualikhanov KSU, interesting and important topics aimed at the development of culture, economy and security of the region remain in the piggy bank of unrealized StartUp Academy projects. The University, together with the authors, will continue to search for ways and means of their implementation. “To date, the Academy of KSU named after Sh.Ualikhanov continues to work with two generations of StartUp: one generation is students and employees who are still carriers of business ideas, and the other is grant recipients who bring their projects to life. But everyone is united by confidence in achieving their goals and understanding of involvement in the socio-economic development of the Akmola region and Kazakhstan,” concluded Lyubov Dmitrievna.
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