Share your experience of opening an IT business in Kazakhstan!
Astana Hub announces a competition for the best storytelling about the opportunities and challenges of running an IT business in Kazakhstan for companies with foreign participation.

If you:
- Successfully organized and launched your IT business in another country and then decided to enter the Kazakhstan market and open a branch or company here;
- Have been working in the IT market in Kazakhstan for more than 6 months and have accumulated experience that you can share;
- Used the services or advantages of the tax regime of Astana Hub or the Еxpat center for IT entrepreneurs in MFCA;
- Want to share your experience and help other IT entrepreneurs?
We invite you to share your experience. We want to know more about why your company decided to open its business in Kazakhstan, what opportunities you saw in Kazakhstan, and what challenges you faced.
Publish your story on the platform following these instructions:
- Register on the platform;
- Click the "publish" button and select the "Publication in Feed" menu;
- Come up with an interesting headline;
- In the "blog title" section, be sure to write "I am in Kazakhstan";
- Add a photo to the post;
- Publish your storytelling with a minimum of 2,000 characters;
- Specify the desired hashtags;
- Submit the post for moderation.
Done! The author of the storytelling with the most views will win a new iPad!
The competition will run from April 20 to June 20, 2023.
Good luck, and we look forward to your stories!
Comments 8
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Daniel Alisov · June 18, 2023 11:19
Всех приветствую. Я 4 года в Алматы Маркетолог и Эксперт по автоматизации и No code. В Казахстане открываю школу No code - как быстрый вход в IT - так же интересно реализовать государственные проекты в IT - опыт работы гос проектами в Израиле.
Kevin Gomis · June 7, 2023 12:11
Hi! I tried making a post following the above but it does not seem to be submitting. Is there another way to complete this?
Aidana Bergazdenova · June 7, 2023 14:55
Hi, Kevin! I am the Product Manager of this platform. Thank you for your comment. Could you please provide more details by emailing us at My colleagues will assist you with the publication.
Kevin Gomis · June 7, 2023 14:53
Please ignore / delete this - I have fixed the issue
Aidana Bergazdenova · June 7, 2023 14:58
Great! It's nice to hear that. If you have any issues or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us directly at or call us at 2222. We're here to assist you.
Kevin Gomis · June 7, 2023 15:17
Thank you kindly Adiana - Appreciate the quick responses. For future reference and others benefit, it seems that posts are not able to be made when using the chrome browser.
Aidana Bergazdenova · June 7, 2023 16:27
Thank you, Kevin! We will check and fix it accordingly.
Alikhan Akhmetov · May 22, 2023 11:28
я разработал свой сайт с бэкэндом, ссылка Есть то что вы можете проверить, но не сможете повторить - это математическое чудо Корана в суре аль фатиха