Representation of Atyrau Oil and Gas University opened in ASTANA HUB
Atyrau University of Oil and Gas named after S. Utebayev opened the Branch Center of technological competences in the walls of Astana Hub in Nur-Sultan.

The main task of the Center is to analyze technological trends, make a "technological map" of the oil and gas and petrochemical industry of Kazakhstan, as well as expert support for digitalization projects of the Ministry of Energy and other activities related to the development of the oil and gas industry.
"The location of the Center within the walls of Astana Hub, where the IT industry accumulates, is very logical and correct. CTC will help the oil and gas industry to establish a professional dialogue with IT-companies and improve efficiency in the implementation of joint projects. Today the industry needs the predictive potential of universities, which, in their turn, should take into account the latest technological trends in training the personnel in demand. Interconnection and partnership of the oil and gas industry, the academic community and business will ensure the diversification of the domestic regional product and access to the global market with a portfolio of new products in the near future," noted Gulzada Shakulikova, Chairman of the Board, Rector of the S. Utebayev Atyrau Oil and Gas University.
SEC is implementing the project "Interactive matrix of technological solutions for the oil and gas sector of Kazakhstan, aimed at collecting, systematizing and disseminating knowledge about the solutions implemented in the fuel and energy sector of Kazakhstan and their effectiveness for further replication across the sector. It is also planned, together with Tengizchevroil, to create a Center for Competence Analysis for Effective Workforce Planning as part of the JTCTC.
The active role of AUNG. С. Utebaev in the "education - industry - science - business" chain will allow exporting educational services to the global market, stimulating the concentration of talents in the region, importing technologies for further prototyping and launching new technological products. This approach will increase the intellectual capital of the region, and together will give impetus to the socio-economic and technological development of not only the region, but also the country as a whole.
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