Astana Hub resident provided a digital educational program on startups to 127 universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Participants of the 9th Astana Hub acceleration stream, the team We have introduced a syllabus of an educational discipline called "Startups and technological entrepreneurship" into the curricula of several universities in the country.

Participants of the 9th Astana Hub acceleration stream, the team have introduced a syllabus of an educational discipline called "Startups and technological entrepreneurship" into the curricula of several universities in the country. This course has proven itself well at the universities of KBTU (Almaty), KINeU (Kostanay), the Financial Academy (Nur-Sultan), as well as at the startup school of Khujand in the Republic of Tajikistan. Thanks to the support of Astana Hub, the curriculum has been implemented in several more regions.
The product solves students' problems such as:
✔️ Experience working on real projects before graduation
✔️ Step-by-step plan for turning an idea into a product
✔️ Long-term motivation
The product also solves the tasks of rectors, who are just the decision makers on the introduction of this discipline:
-ratings (NPP "Atameken" 2% for student startups, ABC innovation rating)
-information field in the media, news occasions (fame generator, winning competitions)
-popularity among applicants (to sell the dream of becoming "Elon Musk")
-compliance with standards (There is an entrepreneurship center in all universities)
-PHOTO of a classic business incubator (it is expensive to keep 7 people on staff)
-reports on state programs on the development of technical entrepreneurship (CC, RJ, LJ)
- the basis for large projects (Erasmus, scientific grants, national programs, etc.)
At the exit from this startup course, students can safely apply for Astana Hub programs. This will be an inexhaustible flow of new startups for acceleration, and students will also serve as an affordable workforce for current startups and Astana Hub residents.
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