Seed Money: Which Startups Can Get Funding Up to ₸20 Million

The international technology park Astana Hub has launched applications for the seed funding program for startups, Seed Money 4.1.

Applications for participation are accepted until March 5 via this link.

This year, the priority areas are AI, Game Development, Blockchain, Defense Tech, Space Tech, Hardware, and Smart City. A startup that passes the selection will be able to receive up to ₸20 million, depending on the stage of development.

“67% of startups that participated in the Seed Money program began to earn money and showed growth. For example, graduates of the program include companies such as UvU,, Parqour, and others. Financing is provided from Astana Hub’s own funds according to the Revenue Share model, with a payment of 1% after all funds have been spent within five years,” noted Magzhan Madiyev, CEO of Astana Hub.

In addition to financing, Seed Money participants are provided with free space in a coworking space and access to the Astana Hub infrastructure for startups from other regions, expert advice and feedback from industry experts, assistance in B2B/B2G meetings, and networking with investors and business angels.

To participate in the program, a startup must meet one of three stages of development: MVP—a product that has minimal but sufficient functions to satisfy the first consumers; PMF—having a product that satisfies the need of a specific market and has value for consumers; and SCALE—the stage of scaling sales by expanding customer segments and/or other activities to enter new markets.

“To apply for the program, you must have a team of at least three key participants, including a project manager. It is important to emphasize that the project manager should not combine the project with other work activities in order to ensure maximum efficiency and control over the processes. Also, a candidate for participation must have a legal entity, thereby providing a legal basis for applying for financing and interacting with partners, clients, and investors. All these requirements are aimed at ensuring a sustainable and successful start of the project, as well as creating favorable conditions for its long-term development,” said Anarbek Utegulov, director of the Astana Hub financing programs office.

As part of the Seed Money program, launched in 2021, 45 projects at various stages of development received funding in amounts ranging from 5 to 24 million tenge. Currently, 11 startups selected based on the results of Seed Money 3.0 have begun implementing their projects under a financing agreement from Astana Hub.

Additional consultations on the Seed Money program can be obtained on the platform, or by contacting the Astana Hub support service at short number 2222.

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служба поддержки Astana Hub по короткому номеру 2222 не работает. Моя заявка от 28 февраля до сих пор на модерации(((


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