How much do Astana Hub members save per year due to preferences?

According to the Startup Genome, 9 out of 10 startups fail in their first year. In order not to be among these 9 startups, it is important to minimize overhead costs. We will tell you how to save money on launching and maintaining a startup in Kazakhstan.

Here are the main expenses:

  1. Tax payment. Every year, startups pay about 30% of taxes on their income. All Astana Hub members are exempt from paying corporate income tax, value added tax, individual income tax, royalty tax, social tax (allowing exemption from payment for non-resident employees) and so on.
  2. Payment for renting the premises The average monthly rent for an office in Nur-Sultan is $20 per square meter (about $2,000 per year), and the technopark provides workspace for start-ups that participate in acceleration programs.
  3. Payment for services to promote the product (PR). On average, startups pay $1,200 a year for articles/publications in the media and social networks, and in the technopark there is an opportunity to use PR promotion for free.
  4. Payment for participation in accelerators. The average cost of participating in training programs and workshops ranges from $800 to $10,000; all training courses in the technopark are free.
  5. Payment for individual consultations of experts. The cost of individual case studies and recommendations from experts range from $50 to $3,000; in the technopark, these services are also provided free of charge.

At the same time, the Astana Hub international technopark of IT start-ups, located in the capital of Kazakhstan, provides tax and visa benefits, modern infrastructure, access to the IT community and networking, PR support and free workspace. The area of ​​the technopark is 20,000 m2.

When moving to another country, startups face high costs for flights, accommodation and visa services, as well as the challenge of learning a new language. Unlike European countries, Kazakhstan is attractive due to its geographical proximity, similarity of mentalities, language (Russian is the official language of Kazakhstan) and the opportunity to receive preferences for free.

For more information on how to open an IT company in Astana Hub, please follow the link:

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