Is migration to Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile worth it if you already have a completed app, what is the migration process, and how much does it cost?

This is something we discussed in a recent article from our KMM series. Here are its key points:

• KMM migration is not always your best option. It is only beneficial in three cases:

1. You have an existing app or you have just started developing an app to be used on both platforms: Android and iOS.

2. Your app with Android and iOS versions has a complex business logic but a simple UI. For instance, it uses offline synchronization.

3. You already have an Android app in Kotlin, but you urgently need an iOS version which would utilize your existing results and you would not have to start over.

• Here are the benefits of migration:

1. It can potentially save you up to a third of your budget.

2. You can speed up your development by 25% and implement new features on both platforms faster and easier in the future.

3. The projects will behave identically on both platforms.

4. iOS and Android developers will start working in one shared work environment.

• There are the three basic migration scenarios:

1. You have an app on both platforms and you need expert advice on developing common business logic.

2. Your team has had some success in trying KMM, and you only need expert advice. This is the least costly scenario.

3. You have to urgently release an iOS version for an existing Android app without interrupting its development to merge business logic of both apps afterwards. This is the most expensive and complicated scenario.

→ Read more about each scenario in the full article:

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