Technological tasks

The Tech-tasks module is tasks related to the development, implementation and improvement of new technologies, products and processes. If you have development, implementation and other needs you can post information below.


Development of a system for using artificial intelligence to analyze remote methods of geological exploration and predict the locations of mineral deposits

Project goal: Processing of remote sensing data, including satellite images for further determination of mineral deposits. Project objectives: 1. Development of a remote sensing database, including satellite images with the potential occurrence of useful deposits for selected periods of time and linked to geological coordinates. 2. Development of an algorithm for analyzing remote sensing data, including satellite images, to determine the location of mineral deposits 3. Development of a data analysis algorithm to search for and exclude short-term changes (anthropogenic changes, animal activity, climate change, geophysical changes, etc.) 4. Development of a web interface for searching and accessing data.


Назарбаев Университет

Making decisions before ...

до 31.03.24

Область задачи

Компьютерное зрение, искусственный интеллект

Number of applications


Cooling of gas and solutions using air coolers

In summer, all air-cooling devices work ineffectively. The technological regime disruptes and requires high water consumption. At the required temperature of 40 degrees, even with maximum operation of the cooling systems, the temperature is 50 degrees, which affects the operation of the compressors and their overheating. In general, this occurs during a very hot period; the cooling systems are fully loaded for about 25 days a year. Water consumption per day reaches 50-60 cubic meters per day if 4 compressors are running at once.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 30.04.24

Область задачи

New production technologies

Number of applications


Reducing СО2 emissions into the atmosphere

According to the LCDP (Low-Carbon Development Program), it is necessary to reduce СО2 emissions into the atmosphere as a whole in the preparation workshop and gas processing.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 30.04.24

Область задачи

New production technologies

Number of applications


Interactive demo tool MVP

Creating an MVP for an interactive demo tool that lets the user capture the screen, add comments in a visual/storytelling way, and take a customer through different parts of a software product. Needs to have basic analytics like session duration, number of visits etc.


Yernar Akim

Making decisions before ...

до 20.02.24

Область задачи

Visual demo capability

Number of applications


Create a response site

It is not necessary to create a site-an otzovik, a type of popular otzovik. The site can be designed as a ready-made cms, as well as on a framework (it is possible to have a blind spot). The theme is concise (educational theme). In this moment of design, it is not necessary to implement the functionality. All other issues can be discussed in chat. @neoone010101


Nash Developer

Making decisions before ...

до 31.01.24

Область задачи

Information processing and transformation

Number of applications


Machine vision: detecting objects on railway tracks

Development of a software and hardware complex, which, based on the results of calculations, should notify / recommend to the driver about the necessary actions (beeping, set / reset traction, speed reduction by service or emergency braking).


АО "Пассажирские перевозки"

Making decisions before ...

до 01.02.24

Область задачи

Intelligent control systems

Number of applications


A system for accounting meals in corporate canteens

There is a corporate canteen in one of the large holdings in the KZ. Today there is a current 1C-based power metering system. But it has a number of disadvantages. In this regard, there is a task to develop a platform (software) for food accounting. Criteria for the platform: 1. Simple interface; 2. Automatic system recovery in case of failures; 3. The ability to read data from the Proximity card; 4. Offline operation of the platform in the absence of Internet access; 5. Two-level data storage; 6. The logic of the reader's operation according to the current time, from 6:00 to 9:00 - breakfast, from 12:00 to 14:00 - lunch, from 18:00 to 20:00 dinner. There should also be a choice of special dishes and drinks. That is, when punching a badge card, the system understood that it was breakfast, lunch or dinner based on the time.



Making decisions before ...

до 24.01.24

Область задачи

Processing and storage of Big Data

Number of applications


Online queue booking service

Roles: Admin, Partner, Client. Admin is the owner of the site/application, who can add Partners to the service. Partners are companies providing services in one particular sector. Clients are individuals. persons using the services of Partners. It is necessary to implement a payment system in the service, display in live mode of available seats at the Partner (conditionally we have lots with an interval of 30 minutes (9.00 - 9.30, 9.30-10.00, etc.)) A working prototype is available in Figma.


Алишер Суншалиев

Making decisions before ...

до 19.02.24

Область задачи

Processing and storage of Big Data

Number of applications


Sending and receiving telegrams in electronic format

Integrated management in the field of sending and receiving telegrams in electronic format, carrying out the activities of all divisions of the KTZ NC Group of Companies in a single integration space, in the relationship between all elements of the corporate structure and ongoing processes in this area.


АО "Пассажирские перевозки"

Making decisions before ...

до 18.01.24

Область задачи

Technologies in telecommunications

Number of applications


Reducing high noise levels at the Sulfur Recovery Plant

When preparing gas at a sulfur recovery plant, there is a low consumption of acid gas from the design data, calculated at 4% hydrogen sulfide. Actual content is about 2.5%, while the equipment does not have motor frequency control, which leads to energy costs and creates high noise from the release of excess air from the blower. There is also increased wear and tear on equipment due to incomplete installation load. Approximately 60-65% of the supplied air is released into the atmosphere. The blower flow meter is set to 5000 cubic meters per hour.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 30.04.24

Область задачи

New production technologies

Number of applications


Тип задачи

Preferred systems

Field of application

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