Implement gamification to get bonuses

You need to create or are ready to consider a ready-made game like flappy bird. The character of the game will pass obstacles and collect bonuses. Bonuses can later be converted into a discount on a particular product. We are mainly considering budget options.


Nash Developer

Making decisions before ...

до 13.04.24

Область задачи

Other technological solutions

Number of applications


Development of a system for using artificial intelligence to analyze remote methods of geological exploration and predict the locations of mineral deposits

Project goal: Processing of remote sensing data, including satellite images for further determination of mineral deposits. Project objectives: 1. Development of a remote sensing database, including satellite images with the potential occurrence of useful deposits for selected periods of time and linked to geological coordinates. 2. Development of an algorithm for analyzing remote sensing data, including satellite images, to determine the location of mineral deposits 3. Development of a data analysis algorithm to search for and exclude short-term changes (anthropogenic changes, animal activity, climate change, geophysical changes, etc.) 4. Development of a web interface for searching and accessing data.


Назарбаев Университет

Making decisions before ...

до 31.03.24

Область задачи

Компьютерное зрение, искусственный интеллект

Number of applications


Development of technology for production of spheroidized powders of tantalum, niobium and/or their alloys from the Customer's products

1) development of technology for production of spherical metal powders from tantalum, niobium and/or their alloys. 2) determination of feasibility of organization of industrial production of spherical metal powders from tantalum and niobium on the basis of the Customer.



Making decisions before ...

до 30.04.24

Область задачи

New production technologies

Number of applications


Maintaining and increasing low reservoir pressure, below saturation pressure

During production, reservoir pressure began to decrease as fluid withdrawal increased. The pressure dropped below the saturation pressure of oil with gas, as a result of which gas began to be released from the oil in the reservoir, and therefore the gas factor in production wells increased (unwanted gas production has increased).


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 30.04.24

Область задачи

New production technologies

Number of applications


Study of potential sources of raw materials for the development of technology for the production of medical isotopes

1) determination of optimal sources of raw materials of radium radioisotopes from uranium production products; 2) development of technology for obtaining extraction of radium radioisotopes from industrial uranium production products; 3) determination of expediency of organization of obtaining radium radioisotopes from industrial uranium production products.


АО "НАК "КазАтомПром"

Making decisions before ...

до 30.04.24

Область задачи

Raw material processing technologies

Number of applications


Hub Perks

Automate the calculation of commercial proposals for clients

Increase the speed of calculating commercial offers upon request from clients regarding railway transportation services. Make this business process more convenient for the internal user. Calculations are more accurate and transparent.


ТОО Atasu Logistics

Making decisions before ...

до 19.06.24

Область задачи

Neurotechnology and artificial Intelligence

Number of applications


Development of an information system for KSU Center for Active Longevity in Astana

Development, maintenance and technical support of IT system - modules for process automation: - Module “Visitor and Employee Electronic Passport System”; - Module “Real-time video monitoring system”; - Module “System for electronic registration of visitors to events”; - Module “Automated system for recording and monitoring visitors through facial recognition technology.


КГУ Центр активного долголетия г. Астана

Making decisions before ...

до 14.05.24

Область задачи

Technologies in telecommunications

Number of applications


Interactive demo tool MVP

Creating an MVP for an interactive demo tool that lets the user capture the screen, add comments in a visual/storytelling way, and take a customer through different parts of a software product. Needs to have basic analytics like session duration, number of visits etc.


Yernar Akim

Making decisions before ...

до 20.02.24

Область задачи

Visual demo capability

Number of applications


Development of e-document flow using EDS signatures of the NCA RK and QR via EGOV Mobile

It is necessary to develop and integrate electronic document management onto the existing platform of our marketplace for signing contracts, accounting documents, etc.



Making decisions before ...

до 14.06.24

Область задачи

Internet of Things

Number of applications


System for monitoring the location of employees in the workplace

Searching for technical solutions that will allow monitoring the presence of employees at the workplace, preventing unauthorized leaving of the workplace


АО "Пассажирские перевозки"

Making decisions before ...

до 10.07.24

Область задачи

Industrial Safety

Number of applications


Automate the accounting of unloaded dump trucks in the open-pit mine (OPSh).

Automation of accounting of unloaded dump trucks in smelting shop No. 4, charge preparation department


ТОО «Business & Technology Services»

Making decisions before ...

до 03.05.24

Область задачи

Other technological solutions

Number of applications


Machine vision to control the movement of personnel around the territory

The goal is to identify employees who need to improve their performance.



Making decisions before ...

до 30.04.24

Область задачи

Unmanned aerial vehicles

Number of applications


Разработка СКИП (Task manager)

Необходимо разработать систему контроля исполнения поручений позволяющая полностью автоматизировать процесс работы с поручениями



Making decisions before ...

до 25.04.24

Область задачи

Intelligent control systems

Number of applications


Cooling of gas and solutions using air coolers

In summer, all air-cooling devices work ineffectively. The technological regime disruptes and requires high water consumption. At the required temperature of 40 degrees, even with maximum operation of the cooling systems, the temperature is 50 degrees, which affects the operation of the compressors and their overheating. In general, this occurs during a very hot period; the cooling systems are fully loaded for about 25 days a year. Water consumption per day reaches 50-60 cubic meters per day if 4 compressors are running at once.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 30.04.24

Область задачи

New production technologies

Number of applications


Creating professional standards using a neural network (artificial intelligence)

Create an information system that generates, using artificial intelligence, an official document called the Professional Standard (PS). PS is a document establishing general requirements for knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience in a specific profession.


РГУ "Министерство промышленности и строительства Республики Казахстан"

Making decisions before ...

до 19.04.24

Область задачи

Neurotechnology and artificial Intelligence

Number of applications


Reducing СО2 emissions into the atmosphere

According to the LCDP (Low-Carbon Development Program), it is necessary to reduce СО2 emissions into the atmosphere as a whole in the preparation workshop and gas processing.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 30.04.24

Область задачи

New production technologies

Number of applications


Develop an algorithm for recognizing railcar numbers in the charge preparation department.

Propose a rational engineering and technical solution.


ТОО «Business & Technology Services»

Making decisions before ...

до 03.05.24

Область задачи

New production technologies

Number of applications


Inter-casing pressure

In one well at a certain depth there is inter-casing pressure (ICP), which can lead to collapse of the production string and the appearance of griffins.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 30.04.24

Область задачи

New production technologies

Number of applications


Оцифровка зеленых насаждений в Городе Шымкент

Оцифровка зеленых насаждений в Городе Шымкент Использование дронов и спутниковых данных: Дроны оснащены камерами и датчиками для мониторинга состояния деревьев и зеленых зон. Снимки позволяют отслеживать изменения в зелёных насаждениях и своевременно реагировать на проблемы, такие как заболевания деревьев или повреждения. Системы управления зелеными насаждениями: Интеграция географических информационных систем (ГИС) для картирования и анализа данных о зелёных насаждениях. Программное обеспечение, которое помогает муниципалитетам управлять зелеными зонами, планировать посадку новых деревьев и оценивать состояние существующих насаждений. Интернет вещей (IoT): Датчики, установленные на деревьях и в парках, могут измерять влажность почвы, уровень воды и другие экологические параметры. Эти данные передаются в реальном времени в централизованную систему, позволяя эффективно управлять ресурсами и поддерживать оптимальные условия для растений. Мобильные приложения для жителей: Приложения, которые позволяют жителям сообщать о проблемах с зелеными насаждениями, таких как упавшие деревья или больные растения. Жители могут также участвовать в инициативах по посадке деревьев и ухаживать за зелеными зонами в своих районах.


Apachee Ser

Making decisions before ...

до 26.06.24

Область задачи

Neurotechnology and artificial Intelligence

Number of applications


Control of solid impurities during water preparation and injection

To maintain reservoir pressure (RPM), water order is used, initially technical water from water intake wells of the Albsenomanian horizon. Due to the increase in water cut in wells, the commercial water separated from the oil is purified at a water treatment plant and pumped through the RPM system into the formation. When pumping mixed technical and produced water, iron oxide sediment occurs, which leads to a discrepancy between the quality of water for flooding and the requirements of ST RK 1662-2007: The existing technological scheme of water treatment at the installation cannot ensure the appropriate water quality in accordance with the requirements of ST RK 1662-2007 (by content of mechanical impurities and petroleum products)


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 30.04.24

Область задачи

New production technologies

Number of applications