The White Sphere App — Cashless Payments for Vending Fridges

The customer — Belaya Sphera (The White Sphere), owns a food vending machine chain in Moscow.

The task: to develop an app that supports cashless payments for controlling vending fridges. The app has to work as a key to access the fridges through an authorized account and make it easy to pay for products.

What we did:

• QR code access

Each fridge has a unique QR code. The app functions as a key: it scans the code, which allows the user to open the fridge and take what he or she wants.

• Automatic payment

Each product in the fridge has an RFID tag. This allows the system to detect what product has been bought by the user, automatically debiting the linked card.

• Outstanding payments

If the user has insufficient funds on their card, the outstanding payment is recorded, and the app blocks further purchases.


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