How to save on calls abroad: an app for SIM cards

The customer is Drimsim. They offer SIM cards for traveling abroad. When crossing the border, the user’s SIM card automatically connects to the local carrier with the best rate, which enables them to save on mobile services.

Task: to create an app that would work in tandem with the customer’s SIM cards, allowing you to keep track of communication costs abroad and quickly solve problems via technical support.

What we did:

Displaying rate plan conditions

The user always knows what rate plan they will connect to in a particular country and how much each transaction will cost.

• In-app VoIP calls

When using calls in the app, the user only consumes their Internet traffic. It’s cheaper than regular calls.

• Detailed spending statistics

Besides the rate plan information, the app has a detailed statistics on expenses: in what country each call was made and how much money was spent on each call or Internet session.

→ Read more about the development.

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За любой комментарий?


По-сути классно, но как это будет конкурировать с мессенджерами, например ватсапп или телеграм где есть онлайн звонки ?


Здравствуйте! Для того, чтобы можно было пользоваться вотсаппом или телеграммом нужна мобильная связь, симка с местным оператором. А тут - два в одном
