Study of potential sources of raw materials for the development of technology for the production of medical isotopes

1) determination of optimal sources of raw materials of radium radioisotopes from uranium production products; 2) development of technology for obtaining extraction of radium radioisotopes from industrial uranium production products; 3) determination of expediency of organization of obtaining radium radioisotopes from industrial uranium production products.


АО "НАК "КазАтомПром"

Making decisions before ...

до 30.04.24

Область задачи

Raw material processing technologies

Number of applications

Development of technology for production of spheroidized powders of tantalum, niobium and/or their alloys from the Customer's products

1) development of technology for production of spherical metal powders from tantalum, niobium and/or their alloys. 2) determination of feasibility of organization of industrial production of spherical metal powders from tantalum and niobium on the basis of the Customer.



Making decisions before ...

до 30.04.24

Область задачи

New production technologies

Number of applications

Hub Perks

Inter-casing pressure

In one well at a certain depth there is inter-casing pressure (ICP), which can lead to collapse of the production string and the appearance of griffins.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 30.04.24

Область задачи

New production technologies

Number of applications

Improving the quality of treatment of injected water from water intake wells along with associated formation water in the reservoir pressure maintenance system

Contamination of the working agent with adhesive forms of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), mechanical impurities, petroleum products.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 30.04.24

Область задачи

New production technologies

Number of applications

Optimization of existing methods of combating complications and the introduction of advanced technologies to minimize the impact of negative factors during hydrocarbon production

The formation of chloride salts on underground equipment, corrosion processes under the influence of aggressive environments, as well as clogging with mechanical impurities, which leads to a decrease in the overhaul period.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 30.04.24

Область задачи

New production technologies

Number of applications

Replacing a leaking valve on a well without capping it

The well operates in a flowing manner and it is not advisable to stop it and cap it to repair the valve, because well then maybe will not return to its previous mode.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 30.04.24

Область задачи

New production technologies

Number of applications

Unproductive operation of a gas turbine station

The station is loaded at 1/3 of its capacity due to the lack of sales of excess electricity


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 30.04.24

Область задачи

New production technologies

Number of applications