Hello, Byte-Mobile members who are passionate about education! Today we want to hear your opinion on the key aspects of education. Each of you is an expert in your field, and we believe that your id
Hub Perks
Sending and receiving telegrams in electronic format
Integrated management in the field of sending and receiving telegrams in electronic format, carrying out the activities of all divisions of the KTZ NC Group of Companies in a single integration space, in the relationship between all elements of the corporate structure and ongoing processes in this area.
Making decisions before ...
до 18.01.24
Область задачи
Technologies in telecommunicationsNumber of applications
Reducing high noise levels at the Sulfur Recovery Plant
When preparing gas at a sulfur recovery plant, there is a low consumption of acid gas from the design data, calculated at 4% hydrogen sulfide. Actual content is about 2.5%, while the equipment does not have motor frequency control, which leads to energy costs and creates high noise from the release of excess air from the blower. There is also increased wear and tear on equipment due to incomplete installation load. Approximately 60-65% of the supplied air is released into the atmosphere. The blower flow meter is set to 5000 cubic meters per hour.
Making decisions before ...
до 30.04.24
Область задачи
New production technologiesNumber of applications