Selection of equipment and technology using chemicals for wastewater treatment according to ST RK 1627-2007

Water treatment technology requires technological changes associated with oil production and changes in the composition of the water contained in it, as well as the cumulative effect from the use of water with a high salt content in the RPM system and an increase in the concentration of mineral components. High mineralization of water, the content of mechanical impurities and residual compositions of hydrocarbon-containing elements in water leads to a decrease in production, a reduction in the service life (reduced turnaround time) of production equipment, worsens the injectivity of injection wells, thereby reducing the efficiency of pressure maintenance systems, and increases the negative impact of other factors (for example, scale deposits) , and also increases the negative impact on the environment. Inconsistency of the quality of water injected into the reservoir with the requirements of ST RK 1627-2007


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 16.07.24

Область задачи

Labor protection, industrial safety, environmental protection and production operations

Number of applications

Hub Perks

System for monitoring the location of employees in the workplace

Searching for technical solutions that will allow monitoring the presence of employees at the workplace, preventing unauthorized leaving of the workplace


АО "Пассажирские перевозки"

Making decisions before ...

до 10.07.24

Область задачи

Industrial Safety

Number of applications